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There Is Nothing Higher Than The Truth Nothing - not Religion, Politics, Faith, Ideology, Law, Money, Philosophy, or Belief - is Higher than the Truth! Science - and Government is Science - must follow this simple law.

We demand that the Scientific Method and reason and intelligence be used exclusively in governance. We also demand that the truth always be told - most especially by government officials, including politicians, judges, police officers, and by all lawyers - and that even one single proved lie require removal of that person from their job, and disbarrement, and this, for life. We demand that perjury laws be strictly enforced and always prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


We further demand that absolute freedom of speech, thought, belief and association be adhered to and supported by all government, and furthermore, that no individual or group be allowed to censor our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms by claiming that certain speech, beliefs, opinions or associations are "hateful", or "prejudicial", or "insulting", or "racist", or "sexist" or "...phobic". We demand that all governments everywhere, all courts everywhere and all law enforcement everywhere strictly support and uphold absolute freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of opinion and freedom of association: absolutely, strongly, passionately and permanently.


Sites We Love:

We Must Use Our Reason To Survive .Faith


Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Names Will Never Hurt Me .com


